This is another word for courageous. A fearless person either has to have courage or they are foolish. I think it was said best by Will Smith in After Earth "Danger is very real, but fear is a choice." Any fool can be fearless if they are ignorant to danger, however it requires courage to be aware and in the face of danger be able to stand your ground without fear. Courage is not foolish because its based on ability. So in order to build courage, you build up your ability and your trust in your abilities. Therefore this week I've been focused on building up my weak areas so that courage comes more naturally and less forced whenever i'm facing danger in the future. I'm going to start combat training again in a week or so and am also going to be getting my gun liscence in the near future along with everything that comes with that. Courage is all about preparation, not arrogance nor foolishness. As a melanated woman in the US at the current time, I have a lot I need to be prepared for. There is a lot of craziness going on in the world on all levels… so when danger comes… I'm going to be ready for it. I hope that you will be too.
I hope that you will be courageous, not out of arrogance, but out of preparation for all potential dangers. What if a race war breaks out? What if marital law happens? What is there is some great catastrophic event? What if you are attacked astrally? Are you ready? When you consider these things and entertain these ideas as potential realities, are you filled with fear or courage? That is the true test. There is no need to fool yourself that danger is not real, especially in the times we live in today… just equip yourself and be prepared… evolve. Never repeating the mistakes of the past.
This is my message. I'm a true healer and teacher.
Godis Nanu