Monday, September 1, 2014


alchemy |ˈalkəmē|nounthe medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposedtransformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.• a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, orcombination: finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtlealchemy.

alchemynounimmortality through alchemychemistrymagicsorcerywitchcraft.

So many people ask me… "What is Alchemy"  I have found it shocking that they do not already know.  However most people seem to have never encountered the word before visiting my website or seeing my business card which quotes the phrase "Learn To Master Your Alchemy".   Even if they do know what the word alchemy means, they begin to ask "What is MY Alchemy?"
Alchemy is simply an older term for what we now call chemistry.  Everything has a chemistry to it, even your relationships.  Alchemy can however have a more magical or metaphysical connotation to it, which is not contrary to reality.
So in retrospect Learning to Master You Alchemy is equivalent to you learning to master the aspects of yourself.  Learning about your own chemistry on and beyond the physical level, with my emphasis on what is beyond the physical manifesting in the physical. 
So are we talking about chemistry in the sense of manipulating chemicals? No.  We are talking about your very own chemistry.  Meridian lines, Energy Bodies, Chakras, Crystallizations, Emotions, Thoughts, your Aura... How you are affected by the cosmos, by the earth, the world around you, and much more.  This all makes up your chemistry.  This is YOUR ALCHEMY.  How you manipulate these things is YOUR ALCHEMY.  
You can call it magic, sorcery, or witchcraft, if you will, but ultimately it is SELF MASTERY.  Its something you can learn.  Its tangible. Its practical. It can/will improve your life.

Monday, August 18, 2014


mastery |ˈmast(ə)rē|nouncomprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment: she played with some mastery.• the action or process of mastering a subject or accomplishment: a child's mastery of language.control or superiority over someone or something: man's mastery over nature.

I talk about mastery a lot in relation to ones own energy, being, and life.  Some people confuse mastery with perfection.  Being a master does not mean that you will not face challenges.  It does not mean that you have come to a place where there is nothing left to learn or no room for growth.  Mastery is a process and being a master has to do with knowledge, understanding, and implementation.
To become a master of your own energy, you must be knowledgeable of the different aspects of self as well as the skill to manipulate these aspects of self.  When you are able to be in control of your own energy and manipulate it for the benefit of self and those in your surroundings, then you are able to call yourself a master in regards to self.
Too many people look to some external force to rule over them, but this is why their life, spirit, body, are in a state of dis ease.  You are the one in control of your life, so you better learn to be a master of yourself.  This is more important than any other type of mastery.
How do you respond when facing difficult emotions i.e.. jealousy, anger, grief?
Are you living everyday is a way that makes you happy and fulfilled?
Are you taking responsibility for circumstances, emotions, & relationships or are you blaming others?
Answering these questions should give a hint as to whether you are on the path to self mastery.
Master Your Alchemy,Godis

Monday, August 11, 2014


destiny |ˈdestinē|noun ( pl. destinies )the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future: she was unable to control her own destiny.• the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate: he believes in destiny.

The only power that controls your future is YOU.  Does that mean that destiny does not exist? No, but it does mean that you are the most powerful deciding factor in what your destiny is.  In Astrology and Numerology we believe that there are contract that have been made by you with the Universe to fulfill a particular role on the planet or simply a predetermined plan you have decided for yourself before entering into human consciousness.  Astrology and Numerology helps us to determine what those plans were.  Using Tarot may give more details and insight into the future, but we believe while using Tarot that the future is not set, yet there is a most likely path based on YOU.
At any given moment, you have to power to change your mind, however the heart can often be said to have a mind of its own.  Whenever you mind and heart are not aligned, it can cause major turmoil in your life.  I recommend that each individual discover what those contract were that they have made with themselves prior to entering human consciousness as well as what it is that their own hearts desire most to find a place of peace and personal fulfillment.
Please note, however that YOU are the MASTER of YOUR UNIVERSE.Become a Master,Godis

Sunday, June 29, 2014



1 the ability to do something or act in a particular way, esp. as a faculty or quality
2 the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events
3 physical strength and force exerted by something or someone
4 energy that is produced by mechanical, electrical, or other means and used to operate a device
5 (Mathematics) the number of times a certain number is to be multiplied by itself

These are all the different definitions of the term POWER as it is used as a noun.  In order for power to be generated it has to come from some natural source whether it be water, fire, air, or the earth.  As beings, we are the most powerful force currently on the planet.  Unfortunately most of us give our own power over to be used for the purposes of others or simply send it out is wasteful amounts to know productive use.  We are the most able, the most influential, and the most energetic creatures on the planet.  


Aren't most of born with the same amount of energy and opportunities?  For the most part we are, however I can see that socially and culturally there may be some that are considered or appear "in power" and being greedy with power, cause others to be considered or to appear "out of power".  But the thing about perception is this:  As long as you have an able body, mind, and spirit, you are not "out of power" and you are definitely not "powerless".  That is an illusion created by those you consider to be "powerful"  In all actuality NO "ONE" person has more power than another and no one has more power over your life and reality than YOU.

We choose where we want to send our energy and what we want to change ect based upon our belief systems and social/cultural conditioning.  So if you are feeling powerless, its time for you to address those beliefs and limitations that you and society have placed on you... its time for CHANGE.  Let go of what is no longer serving you and take control of your life.  Take control of you future.  Take control of your present.  BE IN POWER.  BE POWERFUL.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014


fear |fi(ə)r|nounan unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat: drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby's murder | fear of increasing unemployment | he is prey to irrational fears.

Fear is the opposite of desire.  The mere desire of something sends a signal to the universe that puts that desire into motion and if you take action to acquire that which you desire, most likely you will bring that which you desire into existence.  Likewise when you fear something, you send a signal to the universe that puts that fear into motions and if you take action to get rid of that which you fear, most likely you will bring that which you fear into existence.

Monday, April 21, 2014


compassion |kəmˈpaSHən|nounsympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others: the victims should be treated with compassion.
Compassion is the feeling of empathy that motivates us to assist someone.  Most people in today's society have been desensitized and now lack this very basic human emotion.  Of course like many things today, a pseudo form of this is expressed openly for others to see for the benefit of the person propagating the idea of compassion.  (*please see my blog post on propagation vs demonstration). Our society has been set up in a way that promotes all that is pseudo and causes a great mass of people to abhor that which is authentic.
Compassion is not about pity, it is about sympathetic pity.  There is a great difference between the two; whereas pity does not require one to relate or tune in ones own vulnerability and human nature, sympathy does.
Many humans today walk around in arrogance very much separate from their human nature and vulnerabilities.  Once you come to realize that we are all always vulnerable and capable of the same fates, it allows room for authentic compassion.
This week I learned what it meant to feel weak, helpless, & 100% feminine.  Don't get me wrong, I gained greatly from the experience, however at the same time it has been very difficult for me as a woman who has never experienced this things to this degree which created a gap in my understanding of other women.  Since a young age, due to neglect and abuse, I learned to be strong and powerful.  It is an amazing experience to learn to be weak and powerful.  I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but it is not.  I'm grateful to have had someone in tune with their divine masculinity in close proximity to allow me the opportunity of the experience.  
I used to be harsh in my judgements of other women, especially in regards to their actions when it came to men.  I would say "why are you acting so helpless?  why are you so needy?"  What I did not understand is that what I was seeing was femininity or weakness gone wrong.  They understood their femininity and weakness but they never came to own it.  That is something that is very difficult to own.  For a long time I thought I was owning my femininity by being strong, but when there is a man around that is strong, you realize that you have never truly experienced your weaknesses as a woman, your femininity.  
Some will say "how is femininity the same as weakness? I disagree with that."  These are women who have never truly experienced it.  I'm grateful that I can now empathize on both sides of the coin.
"Yes, you are God, but never forget that you are also human." ~Godis Nanu

True compassion comes from knowing what it means to be strong as well as what it means to be weak and seeing the value/beauty/root of both.
Peace & BlessingsGodis

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Propagate vs. Demonstrate

  1. 1.
    breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock.
      2.  spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely

  1. 1.
    clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence.

      2.   take part in a public demonstration.

So it has occurred to me that many today are into the cycle of propagation.  Many may not recognize the difference between the word propagate and demonstrate.  If you do not notice the difference between the two, it could be a sure sign that you are doing a lot of propagating.  

Is propagating necessarily something to be ashamed of?
Not necessarily.  Especially if there it is backed up by demonstration.  Its all about what you are going for.  Do you want to spread or promote a theory or do you want to promote truth?  The only way to promote truth is through demonstration, however many today fall for the propaganda of what appears to be truth and they accept it as so.

For some, their whole persona is a major propagation rather than a demonstration of who they truly are.  Would I call these people fake?  Not necessarily.  Maybe they simply have no substance of truth to them or have not figured themselves out to the point where they are able to demonstrate anything significantly meaningful or truthful.

I'm saying all of this to remind us all to be careful that we are demonstrating things and not propagating... especially when it comes to ideas such as love.  Love can be demonstrated or it can be propagated.  People propagate many positive ideas and ideals all the time for one reason or the other... I'm sure you can name many.  Feel free to discuss some of them in the comments section.  

Can anything "negative" come from promoting "positive" ideas?  Of course.  This is because propagation only promotes more propagation and everyone ends up propagating some idea rather than demonstrating.  This may be a good way to promote a positive idea before demonstrating it, however it can be very difficult to move people from a state of constant propagation to a state of demonstration and you end up having "walking propaganda(s)" rather than actual demonstrations of truth.  It can be likened to people going through the motions rather than any actual doing.

Personally that dynamic is something that really annoys me and an all too often, obvious observation.

I'm sure you have many experiences that you can also share and while we can sit a judge others, we have to take care that the Universe is not simply giving us the message and warning to be sure to be authentic in our own dealings and interactions.  Be the Real Deal and you will always recognize what is realness in others, even if that observation is that they have no clue who they really are.


Godis Nanu

Friday, March 21, 2014


Compersion is an empatheticstate of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy. It is sometimes identified with parents' pride in theirchildren's accomplishments or one's own excitement for friends' and others' successes. It iscommonly used to describe when a person experiences positive feelings when a lover is enjoying another relationship, especially in the context of polyamory. It is an opposite of jealousy.

Compersion is something we serious lack and have a need for in society today.  Just think of the impact we would have in our relationships and communities if we exercised this emotion over jealousy, hate, and envy.  Just think of how nurturing that would be of more success and that in turn would foster more success and happiness in our own lives.

As a new advocate of Polygyny, this word has become a source of inspiration for inward reflection and growth in my relationships.  This week I've learned the challenge of unpleasant emotion that we have been programmed to experience instead of bliss.  During these moments I've been able to go deeper into self to ask the question of why?  Why am I experiencing this emotion?  What is it based on? and What is it that I really want?  I've had the opportunity to experience my truth that emotion is simply an alert to whether you are manifesting what you desire to manifest in life.  Jealousy is a sign that you are not getting what you want… and you have to ask yourself why?  am I communicating effectively?  am I seeing the big picture?  Ultimately we are in charge of what we experience in life.  As you master your own life and destiny and walk in truth… you are more able to exercise compersion in any situation knowing that you can experience bliss together.  There is enough of everything to go around.  There is no lack in the Universe.  So it comes down to you understanding that.  Once you understand that lack is an illusion created to keep people under subjection, you will be able to overcome petty emotion and ascend into living in harmony, bliss, and happiness on a continual basis.

When was the last time you enjoyed the happiness of others?
How did you come to understand that it did not have to be at the expense of your own happiness?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


grateful |ˈgrātfəl|adjectivefeeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful

Gratefulness is the noun form of the adjective grateful. Being grateful is the same as being full of gratitude, which is readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.  Gratefulness would be likened to that full readiness operating in action.  That is really something to reflect on because a lot of people may be thankful, but how many people are grateful.  Thankful is internal whereas grateful manifest externally.
I think this is very important to reflect on because equal exchange is such an elementary principle that many of us need to return to.  Anyone can be thankful, but when you really appreciate something or someone, you become grateful.  Gratefulness is a great sign of character because if you have learned to appreciate yourself, you will easily appreciate others.  Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Have you demonstrated gratefulness to those special people in your life?  What about to yourself?These are important questions that I hope will cause inward reflection and development so that all will have a more desirable and fulfilling life.  The way to keep the blessings flowing in your life is to appreciate the blessings that you already have.
Make this a week to go out of your want to demonstrate gratefulness where it is appropriate to do so.