Compersion is an empatheticstate of happiness and joy experienced when another individual experiences happiness and joy. It is sometimes identified with parents' pride in theirchildren's accomplishments or one's own excitement for friends' and others' successes. It iscommonly used to describe when a person experiences positive feelings when a lover is enjoying another relationship, especially in the context of polyamory. It is an opposite of jealousy.
Compersion is something we serious lack and have a need for in society today. Just think of the impact we would have in our relationships and communities if we exercised this emotion over jealousy, hate, and envy. Just think of how nurturing that would be of more success and that in turn would foster more success and happiness in our own lives.
As a new advocate of Polygyny, this word has become a source of inspiration for inward reflection and growth in my relationships. This week I've learned the challenge of unpleasant emotion that we have been programmed to experience instead of bliss. During these moments I've been able to go deeper into self to ask the question of why? Why am I experiencing this emotion? What is it based on? and What is it that I really want? I've had the opportunity to experience my truth that emotion is simply an alert to whether you are manifesting what you desire to manifest in life. Jealousy is a sign that you are not getting what you want… and you have to ask yourself why? am I communicating effectively? am I seeing the big picture? Ultimately we are in charge of what we experience in life. As you master your own life and destiny and walk in truth… you are more able to exercise compersion in any situation knowing that you can experience bliss together. There is enough of everything to go around. There is no lack in the Universe. So it comes down to you understanding that. Once you understand that lack is an illusion created to keep people under subjection, you will be able to overcome petty emotion and ascend into living in harmony, bliss, and happiness on a continual basis.
When was the last time you enjoyed the happiness of others?
How did you come to understand that it did not have to be at the expense of your own happiness?