Tuesday, August 27, 2019


     The art or practice of impersonating characters

When people hear the term Cosplay, they think of Comicon or Halloween.  I've come to the conclusion that those are really extreme examples of cosplay.  Times that make it obvious that a form of "play" is taking place.  However I've observed that most people engage in a form of Cosplay as a part of their everyday living.  Some are engaging in cosplay from the time they awake from their sleep until they slumber in their beds at night.  Even worse some never take their wigs and contact lenses off, even while sleeping.

I'm not judging anyone, just simply sharing my observations with the world.  I think it is paramount in today's world to distinguish the real from the fake, even while looking at ones own reflection in the mirror.  Especially so.

Whether you try or not, the way you present yourself portrays an image to the world.  Unless you are wearing your birthday suite and have a shaved head, your not being true to yourself either.  That's just the fact of the matter.  The moment you style your hair and put on clothes, you have stepped into character.  No matter who you really are on the inside, people will only see what you decide to show them.  And there's nothing wrong with that as long as you remember its Cosplay.

Do you know the real you?

written by Godis Nanu (www.beautifulnanu.com)

Holistic Therapist @ Holistic Therapy Group

Founder of The Birth Guru Organization www.thebirthguru.org