Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness  is more than one word, which is obvious, however together the describe a concept that is very fundamental to the elevation of humanity.

collective |kəˈlektiv|adjectivedone by people acting as a group: a collective protest.• belonging or relating to all the members of a group: ministers who sharecollective responsibility | a collective sigh of relief from parents.• taken as a whole; aggregate: the collective power of the workforce.
consciousness |ˈkänCHəsnəs|nounthe state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings: she failed to regainconsciousness and died two days later.• the awareness or perception of something by a person: her acuteconsciousness of Mike's presence.• the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world: consciousnessemerges from the operations of the brain.

Collective Consciousness  can be considered to be the collective perception in a particular environment, therefore the collective consciousness here on earth would be perceptions held strong within the minds of all on the planet.  Of course there is a Collective Subconscious, ect., but the collective consciousness is important because it has an impact, no matter how subtle, on our individual lives.
There is really only one route to take and that is to individually break through the collective consciousness and become a part of a new consciousness or, in other words, a new set of perceptions.  Enough people doing this will shift the collective consciousness.  This is the mission of those who have actually broken through that barrier as light bodies, however we each still feel the pull of this collective consciousness from time to time.  This will always be the case unless the collective consciousness shifts to where we are.  As the collective consciousness shifts, everyone will continue to move forward, but it is important for those who are significant movers in this shift to know where they are and to be totally dedicated to the shift.
Unfortunately, most spiritualists think that they can just break through these barriers and live a life independent from the world and beyond influence of the collective consciousness forever.  Most attempt to live the life of a monk.  These are individuals who are completely lost in the concept of who/what we as beings truly are.  We are symbiotic beings and connected throughout the many star systems.
Know Yourself.

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