Thursday, December 12, 2013


prosperity |präˈsperitē|nounthe state of being prosperous: a long period of prosperity.

To be prosperous means to flourish.  Most people equate prosperity with physical and material things, which is vital to life on this planet, however true prosperity and wealth involves all areas of ones being and existence.  All things in your life are parallel to one another.  

Unfortunately most equate prosperity with some destination point which is why they never get there and never experience prosperity because in truth prosperity is an ongoing process.  You are being prosperous the moment that you begin flourish in all areas of your life and it is discipline that will keep you continuously flourishing--continuously prosperous.

In all honesty, no one can determine for you whether or not you are in a state of being prosperous because only you know where you are and if you are growing in the different areas of your life.  Just because someone has more than you or has accomplished more than you in particular areas of life does not necessarily mean that they are prosperous.  

Unfortunately many people acquire a significant amount of knowledge, wealth, and/or power and stop growing.  They stop flourishing and eventually begin to die.  Stagnant water is never good.  Stagnant water is always full of poisons and ills.

In order to prosper, one must maintain a significant amount of peace and patience paired with a significant amount of action towards growth.  With I think of flourishing, I think about flowers.  They start from nothingness, a seed.  From this state of nothingness, the seed reaches out acquiring resources provided for it by the universe and transforms those energies in way that is most beneficial for itself and ultimate for all.  Who doesn't benefit from the healing potential and beauty of a flower or the steadfastness, provision, and oxygen from the tree?

As you read this, I hope that if provides a spark of encouragement for you toward your goals and that you will find yourself as a tree planted by the waters.  If you are struggling with stagnation in your life, contact me today so that I can give you the resources you need to transform your nothingness into life for all.

Godis Nanu

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