Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Collective Consciousness

Collective Consciousness  is more than one word, which is obvious, however together the describe a concept that is very fundamental to the elevation of humanity.

collective |kəˈlektiv|adjectivedone by people acting as a group: a collective protest.• belonging or relating to all the members of a group: ministers who sharecollective responsibility | a collective sigh of relief from parents.• taken as a whole; aggregate: the collective power of the workforce.
consciousness |ˈkänCHəsnəs|nounthe state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings: she failed to regainconsciousness and died two days later.• the awareness or perception of something by a person: her acuteconsciousness of Mike's presence.• the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world: consciousnessemerges from the operations of the brain.

Collective Consciousness  can be considered to be the collective perception in a particular environment, therefore the collective consciousness here on earth would be perceptions held strong within the minds of all on the planet.  Of course there is a Collective Subconscious, ect., but the collective consciousness is important because it has an impact, no matter how subtle, on our individual lives.
There is really only one route to take and that is to individually break through the collective consciousness and become a part of a new consciousness or, in other words, a new set of perceptions.  Enough people doing this will shift the collective consciousness.  This is the mission of those who have actually broken through that barrier as light bodies, however we each still feel the pull of this collective consciousness from time to time.  This will always be the case unless the collective consciousness shifts to where we are.  As the collective consciousness shifts, everyone will continue to move forward, but it is important for those who are significant movers in this shift to know where they are and to be totally dedicated to the shift.
Unfortunately, most spiritualists think that they can just break through these barriers and live a life independent from the world and beyond influence of the collective consciousness forever.  Most attempt to live the life of a monk.  These are individuals who are completely lost in the concept of who/what we as beings truly are.  We are symbiotic beings and connected throughout the many star systems.
Know Yourself.

Thursday, December 12, 2013


prosperity |präˈsperitē|nounthe state of being prosperous: a long period of prosperity.

To be prosperous means to flourish.  Most people equate prosperity with physical and material things, which is vital to life on this planet, however true prosperity and wealth involves all areas of ones being and existence.  All things in your life are parallel to one another.  

Unfortunately most equate prosperity with some destination point which is why they never get there and never experience prosperity because in truth prosperity is an ongoing process.  You are being prosperous the moment that you begin flourish in all areas of your life and it is discipline that will keep you continuously flourishing--continuously prosperous.

In all honesty, no one can determine for you whether or not you are in a state of being prosperous because only you know where you are and if you are growing in the different areas of your life.  Just because someone has more than you or has accomplished more than you in particular areas of life does not necessarily mean that they are prosperous.  

Unfortunately many people acquire a significant amount of knowledge, wealth, and/or power and stop growing.  They stop flourishing and eventually begin to die.  Stagnant water is never good.  Stagnant water is always full of poisons and ills.

In order to prosper, one must maintain a significant amount of peace and patience paired with a significant amount of action towards growth.  With I think of flourishing, I think about flowers.  They start from nothingness, a seed.  From this state of nothingness, the seed reaches out acquiring resources provided for it by the universe and transforms those energies in way that is most beneficial for itself and ultimate for all.  Who doesn't benefit from the healing potential and beauty of a flower or the steadfastness, provision, and oxygen from the tree?

As you read this, I hope that if provides a spark of encouragement for you toward your goals and that you will find yourself as a tree planted by the waters.  If you are struggling with stagnation in your life, contact me today so that I can give you the resources you need to transform your nothingness into life for all.

Godis Nanu

Monday, December 2, 2013


psyche 1 |ˈsīkē|

the human soul, mind, or spirit: I will never really fathom the male psyche.

I chose this word because mental development is so important.  The word Psyche covers all things dealing with the mind.  The mind is the most valuable thing a human being has on this planet.  It is whats separates us from the animals on the planet.  Often times it is also what separates us from the Creator and our dreams.

I did a purge over "the holiday break".  I meant for it to be a simple fast, but what I didn't expect was for it to be so transforming.  I literally feel like a new me, yet somehow still myself... just BETTER.  I'll blame it on the chlorophyll maybe.  If I do that, I will be hiding the truth of the matter.  This truth may change your life or maybe it won't, that's up to you.  There is one thing for sure, the psyche is a powerful tool.  Its like having your own trinity working as one force toward a goal.  The greatest thing is... when you include the body into this oneness as well, its like laying the foundation for all things.

A Message From Godis Nanu

Friday, November 22, 2013


intrepid |inˈtrepid|adjectivefearlessadventurous (often used for rhetorical or humorous effect): ourintrepid reporter.

This is another word for courageous.  A fearless person either has to have courage or they are foolish.  I think it was said best by Will Smith in After Earth "Danger is very real, but fear is a choice."  Any fool can be fearless if they are ignorant to danger, however it requires courage to be aware and in the face of danger be able to stand your ground without fear.  Courage is not foolish because its based on ability.  So in order to build courage, you build up your ability and your trust in your abilities.  Therefore this week I've been focused on building up my weak areas so that courage comes more naturally and less forced whenever i'm facing danger in the future.  I'm going to start combat training again in a week or so and am also going to be getting my gun liscence in the near future along with everything that comes with that.  Courage is all about preparation, not arrogance nor foolishness.  As a melanated woman in the US at the current time, I have a lot I need to be prepared for.  There is a lot of craziness going on in the world on all levels… so when danger comes… I'm going to be ready for it.  I hope that you will be too.  

I hope that you will be courageous, not out of arrogance, but out of preparation for all potential dangers.  What if a race war breaks out?  What if marital law happens?  What is there is some great catastrophic event?  What if you are attacked astrally?  Are you ready?  When you consider these things and entertain these ideas as potential realities, are you filled with fear or courage?  That is the true test.  There is no need to fool yourself that danger is not real, especially in the times we live in today… just equip yourself and be prepared… evolve.  Never repeating the mistakes of the past.

This is my message.  I'm a true healer and teacher.
Godis Nanu

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

3 words

Implementation- Consummation- Olokun

These are the last three words I've used in my words of the week.
Let's start by breaking down each word and then we will discuss how they relate together as 3.

implementation |ˌimpləmənˈtāSHən|nounthe process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution: she was responsible for the implementation of the plan.

Implementation is the process of doing what you said you would do or executing  that which you are studying or professing.  There is so much knowledge in the streets these days, so many books with great information, yet so many are still stuck in a rut… going through the motions… wearing top hats and stones, but carrying no magic… wearing clown suits and yet no laughter is present with them nor around them.  This is the case for many because the are not implementing the information that is shared with them whether its from the Universe, a guide/mentor, or a book.  Most people are stuck in this stage of gaining information simply for the benefits of knowing, but that is only the ego deceiving the individual that they benefit from knowing.  Knowing without implementation is like a hungry person finding food and boasting about the food they found, yet never taking the necessary steps to use the food to nourish themselves.  Eventually this person will die.

consummation |ˌkänsəˈmāSHən|nounthe point at which something is complete or finalized: the consummation of a sale.• the action of making a marriage or relationship complete by having sexual intercourse: the eager consummation that follows a long and passionate seduction.

Consummation is a very misunderstood word.  It is also a very powerful yet underused word in our society today.  So many of us today are programmed with a microwave mentality that we never take the time to consummate anything on our own.  We begin processes, begin diets, workouts, relationships, projects, ideas, ect. ect.  but we never take the time to perfect these things and go through the processes until they have been completed or perfected.  We begin contracts and we never fully fulfill them.  We are given solutions to our problems from the Universe and we never fully work the solutions.  This can be considered a type of sickness in which you condition yourself to carry a certain amount of illness… a certain amount of filth… and live life with a halfheartedness that always keeps you wishing, wanting, and perfecting the same things throughout your lifetime.  When you begin to consummate that which is important to you, meaning to master yourself and the different aspects of self and life.  To perfect the areas of your life… it is only then you will experience true joy, happiness, accomplishment, and success.  Anything other than this is pseudo and keeps you stagnant
Olokun is an Orisha in Yoruba religion, associated with the sea.[1]It works closely with Oya (Deity of the Winds) and Egungun(Collective Ancestral Spirits) toherald the way for those that pass to ancestorship, as it plays a critical role in IkuAye and the transitionof human beings and spiritsbetween these two existences
Olokun is an aspect of God that is characterized by creative manifestation.  It is the Manifestation of ones pure desires/ natural desires.  The way I have come to understand this creative force is that is the force used to manifest that which is internal externally.  In other words,  it is the outward manifestation of the inward work… it is the energetic force that creates that manifestation from the depths of your soul, but this is only after you have done the inward work.
Many people misunderstand the Orishas and I do not profess to know it all, but I do know that the Orishas are the different energies presently active within the Universe and Nature and when you understand them you understand more about the nature of God.

The reason I put these 3 words together is because they go together for anything you want to manifest in your life.  I gave them to you in the order of process that you have to take yourself through.  1st you have to implement what you know. 2nd you have to perfect/master the implementation. Then, the manifestation will take place naturally as you respect divine order and are in tune with the creation/manifestation process.  There is no such thing as luck or magic.  There is only divine order, natural and universal law, alchemy, and choice.
And also if you didn't know, 3 is a number of expansion/manifestation.  It is also my Destiny number so hopefully I have expanded your mind and your ability to manifest through sharing this information with you.
My name is Godis Nanu.  I'm a clairvoyant healer, teacher, and guide.www.beautifulnanu.com

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


austerity |ôˈsteritē|noun ( pl. austerities )sternness or severity of manner or attitude: he was noted for his austerity and his authoritarianism.• extreme plainness and simplicity of style or appearance: the room wasdecorated with a restraint bordering on austerity.• (austeritiesconditions characterized by severity, sternness, orasceticism: a simple life of prayer and personal austerity.• difficult economic conditions created by government measures to reduce a budget deficit, esp. by reducing public expenditure: a period of austerity |as modifier ] austerity measures.
I've skipped a few words because this word in particular has been so powerful in my life since the day I decided to make it one of my words of the week.  I think it is a very sad thing that most people don't think about words, their importance, nor how powerful an impact they can have on ones life.  Each word is a concept that you can choose to observe in your environment, to eject from your environment, or to implement into your everyday life.
I found it quite humorous that after I chose to focus on this word, several individuals were concerned about my seriousness.  I also think it interesting that the government shut down also occured during the time of my daily meditation upon the word.  Personally, in all of that I found more reasons than I know to get serious about my life, my goals, my thoughts, and my actions down to the very detail of it all.
Laughter is good yes, endorphins are particularly beneficial to the body, however there is a time and place for everything and in the current state of our country, our communities, our families, our health, our tribes, our planet, and our ability to obtain resources,  We don't have time for anything other than Austerity. 
This is a time in which people need to stop being so air headed and pay attention to whats going on around them.  We need to pay attention to the state that we are in and get serious about taking action toward change.  People are too complacent and stupid to realize that they are so far behind.  They say we are not fully using our brains, well in 2013... why not!?  You're supposed to be at the top of the food chain right?  Then, why are you not fully functional?  Why don't you know basic things about they body, about nature, about your own psyche, about the government and sociology?   We are so lost as a species and I find it quite ridiculous that Austerity is looked down upon in today's society.  Its quite idiotic actually.
People are so focused on materialist things and outward appearance that they have become clowns just full of air.  I'm not saying this to focus on the negatives, but we don't have time to play.  We don't have time to chill.  We don't have time to just sit back and enjoy ourselves.  What are you celebrating?  You can talk about faith and positivity all day and it does nothing because the only thing that brings about result is action.   No matter what dimension you want to abide in, there is no change without action.  There will be no action without Austerity.
Its time for you to get serious about your life.  Get serious about your health and well being.  Get serious about your protection and the protection of your families.  Get serious about the future and what mess you are leaving for the future generations to clean up.  Get serious about who you say you want to be and who you say you are.  Be a living breathing example of the things you say.  Stop allowing others to think for you and decide what your path will be.  Get serious and take control over your life.
This is my message for today.  I intend for it to be a message of healing and awakening to be a spark in the enkindling of your ascension process.
I'm a true healer.  If you need true healing or spiritual guidance, contact me todayGodis Nanuwww.beautifulnanu.com

Monday, October 7, 2013


om |ōm|nounHinduismTibetan Buddhisma mystic syllable, considered the most sacred mantra. It appears at the beginning and end of most Sanskrit recitations, prayers, and texts.

For me, this word represents finding your center, your place of peace, and transcending all that is occurring around you.  Some people may call that escapism, whereas I call it self mastery.  To live the Aum/Om is a beautiful thing in deed.  To live it in the midst of everything.... bringing the higher self and meeting with the lower self in the middle for peace... for communing.  For Balance.

I chose this word at the beginning of last week because it was the word that resonated with me.  It came to me.  I created a song with this word in it and I also took the challenge of living this word out this week, which is something I already work toward.  Most people don't realize the power of this.  My ability to magnetize my desires were significantly increased and always are when I master my OM.

The OM does not have to be verbal.  Its an internal vibration you choose to be on at any given moment, just like any mantra... it creates that vibration for you or reminds you of that vibration.  Once you find it... the challenge is to stay there because when you master and are in control of your vibration you are in control of your life.

There will be challenges non the less, but its what you do when you are challenged.  Do you allow the external to move you constantly to a fro ... are you controlled by external forces?  Is your life never going the way you want it for long... are you always getting put off your square... and getting out of your element?   If so, then its a matter of self mastery.

People look at me from the outside and think that life is so much easier for me and so much better for me, but what they don't understand nor want to take responsibility for is SELF--the center of it all.  People can sit around all day and talk about what they want to experience in life, but the only thing that gets you there is action, self mastery, discipline, and understanding.

I tell people all the time... I'm here to guide you... to assist you... to help you understand... but Mastery is your job.  All that exists in this world is you ... in so many other words... so Master Yourself. You are at the center of it all.

I'm a true healer.  If you need true healing, don't wait, contact me NOW

Monday, September 30, 2013


     This past week's word of the week was Nurture.  I chose this word initially because I felt that it was something everyone could benefit from focusing on.  Nothing in your life will flourish if you don't take time to nurture those things that are important to you.

nurture |ˈnərCHər|verb [ with obj. ]care for and encourage the growth or development of: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family.• help or encourage the development of: my father nurtured my love of art.• cherish (a hope, belief, or ambition): for a long time she had nurtured the dream of buying a shop.
nurtureverbshe nurtured her children into adulthoodbring upcare fortake care oflook aftertendrearraisesupportfosterparentmother. ANTONYMSneglect.we nurtured these plantscultivategrowkeeptend.he nurtured my love of artencouragepromotestimulatedevelopfoster,cultivateboostcontribute toassisthelpabetstrengthenfuel.ANTONYMS hinder.

At the beginning of this week I wasn't feeling to healthy and half way through the week my moon cycle came on so first and foremost I had to take time to nurture my self physically with herbs and proper food.  Also rest was an issue so I mad it my duty to make sure that no matter what I got enough rest.  Thankfully this did not hinder any of the other aspects in my life.
The next important thing in my life I decided to nurture was my relationship with my boyfriend.  It seemed that we needed to work on effectively communicating with one another and I was amazed to find that simply the motivation to be great on both our parts was enough to steer us int he right direction.  Even, when we annoyed each other, we talked it out and re-assured each other that we were here for the long haul.  The thing about development is that ground always have to plowed and roots have to be uprooted... you don't look at the untoiled soil and say that you can't nurture the unborn potential (seed).
This week I also discovered the benefits of nurturing my business as well as my music skills.  I created another song this week... so I'm now averaging 1song/week.  I also am no twice as good on the guitar as I was. and all around in general life is better when I take the time to nurture the different areas of my life.
Neglect only births disarray. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This past week's word of the week was Commune.

Of course my emphasis on the word was the verb form.  Usually I chose a verb to focus on because nothing changes your life like taking proper action.  And I want to make a difference in my life AND the world.

commune 2 |kəˈmyo͞on|verb [ no obj. ](commune withshare one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone or something), esp. when the exchange is on a spiritual level:the purpose of praying is to commune with God.• feel in close spiritual contact with: he spent an hour communing with nature on the bank of a stream.
verba desire to commune with family and friendscommunicatespeaktalk,converseinterface.she likes to commune with natureempathize withidentify withhave a rapport withfeel at one withrelate tofeel close to.

Its interesting how after I chose this word, it revealed its importance in my life even moreso than any other word I've used in the Word of Week this year.  If you don't know, I do a Word of the Week every Monday.  I just post the word hoping that people will find some value or meaning in the word and even moreso wishing to inspire those who may not be familiar with a particular word to grab a dictionary of some sort and enlighten themselves.
Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that throughout my week I experienced some very meaningful communing experiences, not only with people in my circle, and new acquaintances, but also with nature.  They were life changing experiences.  Life changing conversations in which I built rapport and relationship, I was inspired and inspired someone else, and/or I grew closer in relation to something/someone who enhanced my life.
I realized that greatest way to build relationship and convey to someone how important they are to your life is simply to commune with them.  I think that we, especially here in America, often take our most important relationships and life giving forces in our lives for granted, when all of life around us could be enhanced if we would  just decide to commune with it.