Wednesday, April 30, 2014


fear |fi(ə)r|nounan unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat: drivers are threatening to quit their jobs in fear after a cabby's murder | fear of increasing unemployment | he is prey to irrational fears.

Fear is the opposite of desire.  The mere desire of something sends a signal to the universe that puts that desire into motion and if you take action to acquire that which you desire, most likely you will bring that which you desire into existence.  Likewise when you fear something, you send a signal to the universe that puts that fear into motions and if you take action to get rid of that which you fear, most likely you will bring that which you fear into existence.

Monday, April 21, 2014


compassion |kəmˈpaSHən|nounsympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others: the victims should be treated with compassion.
Compassion is the feeling of empathy that motivates us to assist someone.  Most people in today's society have been desensitized and now lack this very basic human emotion.  Of course like many things today, a pseudo form of this is expressed openly for others to see for the benefit of the person propagating the idea of compassion.  (*please see my blog post on propagation vs demonstration). Our society has been set up in a way that promotes all that is pseudo and causes a great mass of people to abhor that which is authentic.
Compassion is not about pity, it is about sympathetic pity.  There is a great difference between the two; whereas pity does not require one to relate or tune in ones own vulnerability and human nature, sympathy does.
Many humans today walk around in arrogance very much separate from their human nature and vulnerabilities.  Once you come to realize that we are all always vulnerable and capable of the same fates, it allows room for authentic compassion.
This week I learned what it meant to feel weak, helpless, & 100% feminine.  Don't get me wrong, I gained greatly from the experience, however at the same time it has been very difficult for me as a woman who has never experienced this things to this degree which created a gap in my understanding of other women.  Since a young age, due to neglect and abuse, I learned to be strong and powerful.  It is an amazing experience to learn to be weak and powerful.  I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but it is not.  I'm grateful to have had someone in tune with their divine masculinity in close proximity to allow me the opportunity of the experience.  
I used to be harsh in my judgements of other women, especially in regards to their actions when it came to men.  I would say "why are you acting so helpless?  why are you so needy?"  What I did not understand is that what I was seeing was femininity or weakness gone wrong.  They understood their femininity and weakness but they never came to own it.  That is something that is very difficult to own.  For a long time I thought I was owning my femininity by being strong, but when there is a man around that is strong, you realize that you have never truly experienced your weaknesses as a woman, your femininity.  
Some will say "how is femininity the same as weakness? I disagree with that."  These are women who have never truly experienced it.  I'm grateful that I can now empathize on both sides of the coin.
"Yes, you are God, but never forget that you are also human." ~Godis Nanu

True compassion comes from knowing what it means to be strong as well as what it means to be weak and seeing the value/beauty/root of both.
Peace & BlessingsGodis

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Propagate vs. Demonstrate

  1. 1.
    breed specimens of (a plant, animal, etc.) by natural processes from the parent stock.
      2.  spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely

  1. 1.
    clearly show the existence or truth of (something) by giving proof or evidence.

      2.   take part in a public demonstration.

So it has occurred to me that many today are into the cycle of propagation.  Many may not recognize the difference between the word propagate and demonstrate.  If you do not notice the difference between the two, it could be a sure sign that you are doing a lot of propagating.  

Is propagating necessarily something to be ashamed of?
Not necessarily.  Especially if there it is backed up by demonstration.  Its all about what you are going for.  Do you want to spread or promote a theory or do you want to promote truth?  The only way to promote truth is through demonstration, however many today fall for the propaganda of what appears to be truth and they accept it as so.

For some, their whole persona is a major propagation rather than a demonstration of who they truly are.  Would I call these people fake?  Not necessarily.  Maybe they simply have no substance of truth to them or have not figured themselves out to the point where they are able to demonstrate anything significantly meaningful or truthful.

I'm saying all of this to remind us all to be careful that we are demonstrating things and not propagating... especially when it comes to ideas such as love.  Love can be demonstrated or it can be propagated.  People propagate many positive ideas and ideals all the time for one reason or the other... I'm sure you can name many.  Feel free to discuss some of them in the comments section.  

Can anything "negative" come from promoting "positive" ideas?  Of course.  This is because propagation only promotes more propagation and everyone ends up propagating some idea rather than demonstrating.  This may be a good way to promote a positive idea before demonstrating it, however it can be very difficult to move people from a state of constant propagation to a state of demonstration and you end up having "walking propaganda(s)" rather than actual demonstrations of truth.  It can be likened to people going through the motions rather than any actual doing.

Personally that dynamic is something that really annoys me and an all too often, obvious observation.

I'm sure you have many experiences that you can also share and while we can sit a judge others, we have to take care that the Universe is not simply giving us the message and warning to be sure to be authentic in our own dealings and interactions.  Be the Real Deal and you will always recognize what is realness in others, even if that observation is that they have no clue who they really are.


Godis Nanu