Wednesday, February 26, 2014


grateful |ˈgrātfəl|adjectivefeeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful

Gratefulness is the noun form of the adjective grateful. Being grateful is the same as being full of gratitude, which is readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness.  Gratefulness would be likened to that full readiness operating in action.  That is really something to reflect on because a lot of people may be thankful, but how many people are grateful.  Thankful is internal whereas grateful manifest externally.
I think this is very important to reflect on because equal exchange is such an elementary principle that many of us need to return to.  Anyone can be thankful, but when you really appreciate something or someone, you become grateful.  Gratefulness is a great sign of character because if you have learned to appreciate yourself, you will easily appreciate others.  Everyone wants to be appreciated.
Have you demonstrated gratefulness to those special people in your life?  What about to yourself?These are important questions that I hope will cause inward reflection and development so that all will have a more desirable and fulfilling life.  The way to keep the blessings flowing in your life is to appreciate the blessings that you already have.
Make this a week to go out of your want to demonstrate gratefulness where it is appropriate to do so.