Monday, September 30, 2013


     This past week's word of the week was Nurture.  I chose this word initially because I felt that it was something everyone could benefit from focusing on.  Nothing in your life will flourish if you don't take time to nurture those things that are important to you.

nurture |ˈnərCHər|verb [ with obj. ]care for and encourage the growth or development of: Jarrett was nurtured by his parents in a close-knit family.• help or encourage the development of: my father nurtured my love of art.• cherish (a hope, belief, or ambition): for a long time she had nurtured the dream of buying a shop.
nurtureverbshe nurtured her children into adulthoodbring upcare fortake care oflook aftertendrearraisesupportfosterparentmother. ANTONYMSneglect.we nurtured these plantscultivategrowkeeptend.he nurtured my love of artencouragepromotestimulatedevelopfoster,cultivateboostcontribute toassisthelpabetstrengthenfuel.ANTONYMS hinder.

At the beginning of this week I wasn't feeling to healthy and half way through the week my moon cycle came on so first and foremost I had to take time to nurture my self physically with herbs and proper food.  Also rest was an issue so I mad it my duty to make sure that no matter what I got enough rest.  Thankfully this did not hinder any of the other aspects in my life.
The next important thing in my life I decided to nurture was my relationship with my boyfriend.  It seemed that we needed to work on effectively communicating with one another and I was amazed to find that simply the motivation to be great on both our parts was enough to steer us int he right direction.  Even, when we annoyed each other, we talked it out and re-assured each other that we were here for the long haul.  The thing about development is that ground always have to plowed and roots have to be uprooted... you don't look at the untoiled soil and say that you can't nurture the unborn potential (seed).
This week I also discovered the benefits of nurturing my business as well as my music skills.  I created another song this week... so I'm now averaging 1song/week.  I also am no twice as good on the guitar as I was. and all around in general life is better when I take the time to nurture the different areas of my life.
Neglect only births disarray.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


This past week's word of the week was Commune.

Of course my emphasis on the word was the verb form.  Usually I chose a verb to focus on because nothing changes your life like taking proper action.  And I want to make a difference in my life AND the world.

commune 2 |kəˈmyo͞on|verb [ no obj. ](commune withshare one's intimate thoughts or feelings with (someone or something), esp. when the exchange is on a spiritual level:the purpose of praying is to commune with God.• feel in close spiritual contact with: he spent an hour communing with nature on the bank of a stream.
verba desire to commune with family and friendscommunicatespeaktalk,converseinterface.she likes to commune with natureempathize withidentify withhave a rapport withfeel at one withrelate tofeel close to.

Its interesting how after I chose this word, it revealed its importance in my life even moreso than any other word I've used in the Word of Week this year.  If you don't know, I do a Word of the Week every Monday.  I just post the word hoping that people will find some value or meaning in the word and even moreso wishing to inspire those who may not be familiar with a particular word to grab a dictionary of some sort and enlighten themselves.
Anyway, the point I'm getting at is that throughout my week I experienced some very meaningful communing experiences, not only with people in my circle, and new acquaintances, but also with nature.  They were life changing experiences.  Life changing conversations in which I built rapport and relationship, I was inspired and inspired someone else, and/or I grew closer in relation to something/someone who enhanced my life.
I realized that greatest way to build relationship and convey to someone how important they are to your life is simply to commune with them.  I think that we, especially here in America, often take our most important relationships and life giving forces in our lives for granted, when all of life around us could be enhanced if we would  just decide to commune with it.