Monday, August 18, 2014


mastery |ˈmast(ə)rē|nouncomprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment: she played with some mastery.• the action or process of mastering a subject or accomplishment: a child's mastery of language.control or superiority over someone or something: man's mastery over nature.

I talk about mastery a lot in relation to ones own energy, being, and life.  Some people confuse mastery with perfection.  Being a master does not mean that you will not face challenges.  It does not mean that you have come to a place where there is nothing left to learn or no room for growth.  Mastery is a process and being a master has to do with knowledge, understanding, and implementation.
To become a master of your own energy, you must be knowledgeable of the different aspects of self as well as the skill to manipulate these aspects of self.  When you are able to be in control of your own energy and manipulate it for the benefit of self and those in your surroundings, then you are able to call yourself a master in regards to self.
Too many people look to some external force to rule over them, but this is why their life, spirit, body, are in a state of dis ease.  You are the one in control of your life, so you better learn to be a master of yourself.  This is more important than any other type of mastery.
How do you respond when facing difficult emotions i.e.. jealousy, anger, grief?
Are you living everyday is a way that makes you happy and fulfilled?
Are you taking responsibility for circumstances, emotions, & relationships or are you blaming others?
Answering these questions should give a hint as to whether you are on the path to self mastery.
Master Your Alchemy,Godis

Monday, August 11, 2014


destiny |ˈdestinē|noun ( pl. destinies )the events that will necessarily happen to a particular person or thing in the future: she was unable to control her own destiny.• the hidden power believed to control what will happen in the future; fate: he believes in destiny.

The only power that controls your future is YOU.  Does that mean that destiny does not exist? No, but it does mean that you are the most powerful deciding factor in what your destiny is.  In Astrology and Numerology we believe that there are contract that have been made by you with the Universe to fulfill a particular role on the planet or simply a predetermined plan you have decided for yourself before entering into human consciousness.  Astrology and Numerology helps us to determine what those plans were.  Using Tarot may give more details and insight into the future, but we believe while using Tarot that the future is not set, yet there is a most likely path based on YOU.
At any given moment, you have to power to change your mind, however the heart can often be said to have a mind of its own.  Whenever you mind and heart are not aligned, it can cause major turmoil in your life.  I recommend that each individual discover what those contract were that they have made with themselves prior to entering human consciousness as well as what it is that their own hearts desire most to find a place of peace and personal fulfillment.
Please note, however that YOU are the MASTER of YOUR UNIVERSE.Become a Master,Godis