Monday, September 1, 2014


alchemy |ˈalkəmē|nounthe medieval forerunner of chemistry, based on the supposedtransformation of matter. It was concerned particularly with attempts to convert base metals into gold or to find a universal elixir.• a seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, orcombination: finding the person who's right for you requires a very subtlealchemy.

alchemynounimmortality through alchemychemistrymagicsorcerywitchcraft.

So many people ask me… "What is Alchemy"  I have found it shocking that they do not already know.  However most people seem to have never encountered the word before visiting my website or seeing my business card which quotes the phrase "Learn To Master Your Alchemy".   Even if they do know what the word alchemy means, they begin to ask "What is MY Alchemy?"
Alchemy is simply an older term for what we now call chemistry.  Everything has a chemistry to it, even your relationships.  Alchemy can however have a more magical or metaphysical connotation to it, which is not contrary to reality.
So in retrospect Learning to Master You Alchemy is equivalent to you learning to master the aspects of yourself.  Learning about your own chemistry on and beyond the physical level, with my emphasis on what is beyond the physical manifesting in the physical. 
So are we talking about chemistry in the sense of manipulating chemicals? No.  We are talking about your very own chemistry.  Meridian lines, Energy Bodies, Chakras, Crystallizations, Emotions, Thoughts, your Aura... How you are affected by the cosmos, by the earth, the world around you, and much more.  This all makes up your chemistry.  This is YOUR ALCHEMY.  How you manipulate these things is YOUR ALCHEMY.  
You can call it magic, sorcery, or witchcraft, if you will, but ultimately it is SELF MASTERY.  Its something you can learn.  Its tangible. Its practical. It can/will improve your life.

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